Post #13: Big News!!

Last April, Pixel Licker got some great news but I wasn’t able to announce it until now.  We are partnering with FDG Entertainment to bring Slayin’ 2 to the Nintendo Switch!  It is the first time we have been able to publish one of our games on a console and it is fulfilling a childhood dream 30+ years in the making.

3 years has gone by so fast but I hope fans of Slayin’ will be excited to play the new game.  The new 2P mode really fits the Switch, especially when you get a couch co-op session going.  Bug testing is pretty far along, so the hope is to have it ready for Nintendo submission in the coming months.

I am also going to be posting some of the other features of the game in the coming weeks to fuel the hype train.  Let’s spread the word to make Slayin’ 2’s launch a successful one!

Oh, and for people who have been following the PC version’s development, it has taken a bit of a back seat to the Switch port.  But it is definitely in the works for the future. 😉